Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The Tesco Experience

After the interesting start to my stay here in Glasgow things quickly improved, once I was better aware of my surroundings and I began to know my way around the city. Not too far down MaryHill road, and actually right across from that McDonalds that saved us from starvation previously, is a large general goods/grocery store called Tesco. It is just like a Target or Walmart back home, you can find anything and everything you could possibly need there. Initially me and Rachel seemed to be making trips there daily, rounding up bedding, towels, personal hygiene items, groceries, etc. The reason for the frequency was not just that we kept thinking of new things to add, but it was also in part due to the fact that the Tesco round trip is about a mile walk from the student dorms. What you bring back is what you are willing to carry in your backpack and bags, thus you find yourself making multiple trips throughout the week.

Making a routine of going to Tesco every couple of days, I eventually came across the "World Food" aisle as they call it, and found the "American" section...

Ah yes! Gatorade, Jiff Peanut Butter, Pop-tarts, Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, Mac n' Cheese, and there is no US of A without Twinkies. Never have I felt so close to home when I was so far away. Finding this was quite funny as I'm sure you are laughing now seeing and reading this. Its interesting to see what other places think of us, and what to some extent defines our diet as a country (or so they think). I have also noticed how many of the same brands exist here as back home but they are slightly different in how they are either marketed or labeled. Here are a few.

Frosted Flakes, now Frosties


Lays Chips, now Walkers

There is also a drink called Irn Bru, a soda that is exclusive to Scotland. I was told that it actually outsells Coca Cola in Scotland as it is their drink of choice. I tried some and really wasn't a fan, it had a bad cream soda taste to it. I prefer Coke.

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